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Term 1: 

Enrolment information is available throughout Term One. Enrolment applications are available at the school office or can be downloaded from this site. To be eligible for school a child must turn five by the 30th April in the year he/she begins school. School tours can be organised via our friendly staff in the school office on 9877 4023.

Open days are held throughout the year and are a wonderful opportunity to see the school in operation and experience our learning environment and large open spaces.


Term 2: 

Applications are received

Offers of enrolment acceptance will be sent after May 31st. Acceptances are returned to the school with a $100.00 deposit (This is deducted from Term 1 fees the following year). Interviews for current families and siblings are then organised for Term 3.

Applications need to include: 

Enrolment form

Baptism Certificate (where applicable)

Birth Certificate 

Immunisation Certificate

Visa information (where applicable)


Term 3:

Interviews for Parents and enrolled student arranged. 

Term 4: 

Teachers from our school will visit and/or make contact with Kindergarten/Pre-School to observe prospective children at work and play. Contact with Kinder teachers and parents will assist the school to plan for our new Prep enrolments and ensure considerations and needs are highlighted for individual students. Enrolled students are involved in three Orientation sessions in November. Each session will be approx. 45-60 mins. Information regarding these dates, times and groupings will be forwarded to families at the beginning of the term.



Enquiries regarding placements for students in other year levels can be made any time and an appointment with the Principal will be organised. Places in other year levels are dependent on availability and in accordance with our enrolment policy.



In accordance with the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School Enrolment Policy, St Luke the Evangelist School gives priority to baptised Catholic children who reside in our Parish boundaries. 



Stage 1

  • Attend an Open Day or arrange a Principal Tour of our School


Stage 2

  • Complete enrolment documentation for St Luke's 

  • Parents sent a letter of offer.  


Stage 3

  • Student / Family welcome interview with the Principal

Stage 4

  • Orientation 1 = Meet your Buddy with Parent Information session

  • Orientation 2 = Computer share and learn with Parent Information session

  • Orientation 3 = Let's create with Parent morning tea


Stage 5

  • Kinder/Pre school contact


Stage 6

  • Prep Parent Information Night


Stage 7

  • St Luke's Carols Night


Stage 8 

  • Individual meet and Greet with Prep teacher the day before Prep starts. 


Enrolment in Other Year Levels

Step 1: Book a School Tour

A private school tour with our Principal is a great opportunity to see our school in action. We will take the time to have a comprehensive discussion about your child’s individual educational needs and we can also answer any specific questions you may have.  Interested parents are encouraged to book a school tour with our Principal and are invited to call us to arrange a suitable time to come in.


Step 2: Fill Out an Enrolment Form
As a requirement, we need our school enrolment form filled out along with some other paperwork which need to be provided. You can download our enrolment form, fill it out and return it to us. We will provide you with a copy on the day of your school tour as well. Our friendly office staff can help you with any questions or need assistance. 


Step 3: Enrolment Confirmation 

Once we have received your enrolment form, we will send you a letter offering you a place at St. Luke’s. We will require a $100 deposit which will be deducted from your initial school fee statement. All new students at levels other than Prep are invited to an orientation morning with the Year level they will joining the following term/year.

A Word from Our Students


"I like lunch and recess, the playgrounds and my friends. I like the books in the classroom."

- Lucas, Student

"I like that everyone is kind and welcoming. They make you feel comfortable and happy if you are upset."

- Emily, Student


"At St Luke’s I like all my friends and how they are all nice and friendly. In the classrooms I like all the teachers, because they appreciate all that we do. I like the design of the playground. It is a good playground."

- James, Student

"​Everyone is really kind and they will always help you when you need it. The teachers always make learning really fun."

- Emily, Student

Book a Tour

At St Luke the Evangelist Primary School, every day is an open day. To book a tour of the school or to request further information, please fill in the form below:

Thank you for contacting St Luke the Evangelist. We will be in contact shortly.

Book a Tour

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