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Student Wellbeing

At St Luke’s we prioritise the important relationship between wellbeing and learning. We work to help our students to feel connected and engaged in their learning in a safe and supportive environment, and to develop the social and emotional skills to grow into happy, respectful, well-balanced and successful members of their school and wider community. 


Gospel messages underpin our daily practice, policies, learning and teaching strategies and behavioural expectations for each individual in our school community.  


St Luke’s follows the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework (SWPBS). As such, all members of our community are called to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe and we work together to promote positive behaviour in all areas of the school. Positive behaviour is explicitly taught and reinforced and prevention approaches are emphasized. 


While we take a positive approach to behaviour management, and support our students to develop skills that build social competence, bullying is explicitly discussed and students are encouraged to report bullying behaviours. Action is taken as directed in our school policies for addressing such behaviours.


St Luke’s is a fully accredited partnership school with The Resilience Project, a program which supports mental health through teaching positive strategies to build happiness, resilience and emotional literacy; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Weekly lessons are taught in every classroom.


As part of our specialist program, all students also participate in weekly Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons which support students in developing skills in Self-Awareness and Management and Social Awareness and Management. 


Our Student Wellbeing Leader is responsible for working with teachers, parents and external specialists in supporting the wellbeing of all our students.


Learning Support & Intervention

Individual needs are catered for within each classroom by differentiating the curriculum to cater for each students’ interests and abilities. Within classroom experiences, opportunities are presented to assist the development of learning according to individual student need. All teachers utilise students pre and post testing data, monitoring students learning, and providing extension and or support based on students needs at any given time.  


The Learning Diversity Leader works with classroom teachers to develop Personal Learning Plans for students requiring support academically, socially or emotionally. Program Support Groups including teachers and parents meet regularly to develop, implement and monitor the Personal Learning Plan for students. Support programs further assist identified students across the school. Consultants from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools such as Speech Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Curriculum Advisors provide advice on the implementation and monitoring of the students with an Personal Learning Plan.


Student Leadership

At St. Luke’s we believe that all students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.  In year six, students are encouraged to apply for one of our leadership roles. These roles enable our students to refine their skills and build their confidence. Each week the leaders organise and run our weekly assemblies which develops their public speaking skills. These are the following leadership roles at St. Luke’s:


  • Sports Leaders- Green, Blue, Red

  • Library/Technology Leaders

  • Environment Leaders

  • SRC/Liturgy Leaders

  • Social Justice/ Well-being Leaders

  • Arts Leaders



The Senior students at St Luke the Evangelist take an active role in co-creating lunchtime activities for students. These clubs include:

  • Garden club

  • Chess club

  • Library club

  • Coding club

  • Drawing club

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